Hi! I'm Marina,
Front-end Developer
with love for Web Design

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A little bit me :)
My craft and passion is front-end development. I enjoy creating UX/UI design using Adobe products and implement it using modern tools (e.g., React JS, JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5). In my spare time, I experiment with new technology, such as Adobe After Effect in combination with the Lottie library
Some of my work

networking app confect

With a team of three, we're developing an App for a new way to professional networking. My role is the project initiator and a front-end developer.

See demo

LawTech Factory AS

In close collaboration with the CEO and CTO, I created a product page with a clear and user-friendly design visually appealing to both the user and Google bots

Live page


Isometric illustrations for a company supporting with Mailchimp services. Adobe Illustrator is used as the main tool.

Preview the demo page

Sci-code AS

As part of a web design team I have made the layout of the website, helped with some of the illustrations and animations. The main tools for this are Adobe Illustrator and Adobe After Effect

See the page
I love creating tutorials and instructions
Create Youtube Player in React
Coming soon SVG Animation with CSS and Javascript